Sunday, March 27, 2016

Monroe State Forest

Day started off with GPS taking us through crazy roads again. Up and down hills in North Adam before we get on Rt. 2. Rt. 2 has this famous hairpin turn that would have been fun if it was not foggy. Monroe state park has no signs (at least from the entrance I picked). Had to follow GPS and assume I was on the right road. The road was pretty bad for unpaved road. It has large gravels that can do some serious damage to the car if I didn't keep the speed down. Not a big deal going to the state forest since it was all uphill.
Before the road turned into forest road, a rottweiler stormed out of the last house toward the car. It was heading toward the rear wheel so I just booked it. Heard a whistle and saw the dog looking at the house in the rear view window as I try to put more distance between me and the dog. Was not a happy camper because I could have accidentally drove over the dog or the dog could have bite a hole in my tire.

Road got more rutted pass this point. There was a "road closed" sign parallel to the road I was traveling on so I was not sure if the sign is for the road I was on or a weird forest road toward nowhere. Was even more confused when I got to where I was supposed to turn toward the parking lot because all I saw was this

A little too rutted for my comfort but I came too far to go home. Scout out the road a little and proceed on first gear. Had to stick close to the bushes to avoid some mud patches and puddles. Couple of rutted parts have big rocks in the middle of the road that could do serious damage if I drive through the middle of. Not a fun start to the trip.

Took a picture of my car before I head to the trails because this area is sketchy with remain of a bonfire and beer cans all over. Wanted to have some pictures with me in case I came back with the car vandalize or worst, gone.

Well, that's a good start to the hike, a down tree in the middle of the trail. The trail is pretty badly maintained with down trees everywhere.

View was not bad at all. DCR built this overlook platform that gave this nice view of the river below. Too bad trees are not budding yet.

Went hiking toward Spruce mountain and never found the vista indicated on the map. The sky cleared out by the time I got back to the parking lot so decided to head back to the overlook again for a better view.

And look! my car is still there and very lacking in any damage. No leaks, no flat tires, and ready to go home. The rutted road was worst than I thought. Car slipped down a rut on the way out. I thought I was done for because the car was leaning forward with both front wheels in the muddy rut. With a gentle nudging of the gas and the car climb out of the rut with no problem. Got home with only some muddy tires.

Keystone Arches

A trail along a stretch of CSX railroad showcasing different bridges used for the rail.

First bridge, a double arch

Second bridge doesn't seem to have a viewable area so this is the best picture I could get.

Third bridge isn't an arch, a modern steel bridge.

Fourth bridge is no longer used for rail road so you can walk over it. If you don't mind a little climbing (and not afraid of slipping and slide all the way down the river), this is the view you get at the bottom.

Fifth bridge, also no longer used. The icicles looks like snots. They were falling off as I stood there. It has a nice view of the surrounding.

End of the line. The trail ends with a concrete bridge and an active rail track.

On the way back, I've noticed this creepy looking thing. Doesn't help that I was listening to a podcast about a manic patient getting shot in the hospital for thinking he is Obama and refuse to listen to the nurses.

Jacob's Ladder scenic byway

Of all the scenic byways in NE this one seems the weirdest of them all. Artsy monument in the middle of nowhere

A map of all the fun stuff on this route. What is not mention on here is the Becket spring

It is just a pipe in on the side of the road. It has been flowing continuously for quite some time. Unfortunately it failed coliform bacteria testing recently. Will see if the town decide to close it or not if it fails next round of testing.

Sanderson Brook Fall/Chester-blandford State Forest

An interesting state forest with unpaved roads through the whole forest (but most are actually closed if you manage to get an updated map that's not on the website).
Moose droppings. Yes, I saw the same moose some time later. It prance through the forest before I was able to get my camera out. First moose I saw in all the years of running around in the forest.

What's more fun than a moose? Well, nothing really but I found some edible mushrooms. People familiar with Chinese medicine would be jumping up and down when they see this. I saw this out the corner of my eyes as I bounce through the forest after the moose encounter. Collected this one (a little moldy and chew up but seems ok). Found a couple more but they were in worst shape so I left them alone.

For the main reason to visit this place: Sanderson Brook fall. Pre-spring flow is still quite impressive. Should try to come back in late spring to see if it's more interesting.

Mohawk Trail State Forest

GPS, just because the car is capable, it does not mean you can take us to roads like this:

Worst of all, the road was a dead end. Had to drive all the way back around through the same roads. I think the GPS has a grudge against the car because it never do this to any other cars I've own. GPS took us through all the back street, steep hills, and unpaved rutted roads it can find every time we go out :(

Finally made it to Mohawk Trail state forest. Cutting it close on sunset so I brought along a headlamp.

Some birds circling at the top of Todd Mountain. There were more than 6 birds but the video is too big for here so this is the only video I have that is small enough

Friday, March 4, 2016

Business trip

Went on a business trip. Decided to stop by a local girl scout troop cookie booth since the area I was in sells different cookies.

Took forever to find the troop since they were selling in a giant mall. Almost walked into a girl scout before I realize they were selling at one of the normal mall booths instead of a temporary booth. The girl scouts were all brownies and very eager to sell me cookies. One saw me walking toward them and said "You want to buy some cookies? I know you do, what's why you are here!" The remaining troop then proceed to surround me asking me which one is my favorite, making suggestion on which one is good, and generally talking over each other to get my attention. After I picked out several boxes (gotta buy my fill after taking such a long trip!), two of the girls calculated the amount (in their heads) and came up with different number. I just smiled and told them to take their time before telling me how much it is. Troop leader walked over and just looked at them as they mumble to each other. She then told me that "It looks like they have come to an consensus". One proceed to check off a clipboard for the cookies I bought, another took the money and the third asked me if I need a bag and offer to tie the bag for me. It was amazing how they do this by themselves without prompting from the troop leader and did this very professionally.

Compare to that, the local (older) troops can't even calculate the amount I owe without resorting to pencil, paper, and fingers! Only one of the local troop expressed same level of eagerness and service as this brownie troop and they were a much older and bigger troop. I have a lot of respect for this brownie troop and how they take this seriously without prompting from adults. Their booth was very nicely decorated too as a bonus touch. I am now sitting on a mountain of cookies and I have no regret :)