Monday, February 1, 2016

Mohawk Trail 10/17/2015

Took this trip with a co-worker close to (but slightly younger) my parent's age. Trip start out with light snow on the ground which foreshadow the crappy weather to come.

Cascade Fall, a really obscure waterfall about 30 minutes walk from someone's backyard. Note to self, come here during Spring when it will look much more impressive.

Bissell Covered Bridge

Glacial Potholes, quite cool rock features.



How did that flower get there? well, see the next part

Bridge of Flower, a foot bridge maintained by a local club. Surprising how many flowers are on the bridge considering it was late Fall. The flowers were frozen which gave them an even more interesting look.


High Ledge.

French King Bridge. A bridge right on the Mohawk trail with a nice view of the river.

Tully trails, just a ledge and the dam because there are too many to visit.
When we get up to the ledge it was a white out condition with high wind and flurry. It took about 10 minutes for the clouds to move out of the way to give us this view

View from the dam

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