Monday, February 1, 2016

Beartown State Park camping 1/15/2016

Call me crazy but I did went camping in the dead of winter. My co-workers were all nervous enough that they had one of them check up on me to make sure I didn't get eaten by bear, frozen in the middle of nowhere, or mugged by strangers. The park ranger just laughed and told me not to stay another night because there was a snow storm coming in the next night.

Fully loaded, snowshoe was completely unnecessary. Sleeping bag only fit in the backseat but everything else fit in the cargo area just fine.

My chosen camping spot, high traffic area but you get a view of the lake

I haven't even unpack anything before this little thing attacked me. At least wait till I get my food out you crazy bird.

First sign of trouble, a nice clear thick layer of ice below the snow. This make walking around the camp ground super fun (and dangerous) and staking impossible. New England soil never helped staking your tent down anyway but ice just made thing even more depressing.

I managed to wack some stake in. The stakes on the left did not stay over night, rest just froze in place so they managed to stay.

I have achieved fire!! All the kindles were wet and frozen so I had to get a little creative (and use some of the kindling that people left in bear boxes)

Since I am here to post this, I did survive the night. Little did I know (till about a week ago) that the temperature dropped to 9 degree F that night. I was cold during the night and decided I rather be warm and not dead than cold. I moved my sleeping bag to my car and slept through the night without any problem even with windows down. Learned my lesson, need to get a warmer sleeping pad to insulate myself from the icy floor.

Next morning I took my car home the long way through the unpaved roads in the park.

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