Sunday, January 31, 2016

Rt 116 10/16/2015

Quick trip through scenic Rt 116 in MA

Wahconah Fall, a small interesting place.

Burkeville Cover Bridge

Bullitt Reservation, maintained by The Trustees of Reservation. A group similar Mass Audubon.

Chapel Brook, another reservation maintained by The Trustees. This place is fantastic because it has a multiple waterfalls on the same stream and a great overlook of the area on top of some rock outcrops.

A charoal kiln protected by DCR. This area has a weird off-road route connecting to another town. I wasn't in the mood to investigate further.

Tannery Falls in Savoy Mountain State Forest. This is not a easy place to get to since the road is not maintained (even has a sign that said "use at your own risk" at the start of the road). Very glad my car was able to take me there without any fuss. Did have to avoid a bottomless puddle at the entrance of the parking lot that probably could have swallow my car up if I didn't drive into the bushes to avoid it.

 On the way back, found this random beach area on the side of the road

Saturday, January 30, 2016

VT road trip 10/9/2015-10/10/2015

Had good timing for this road trip. Manage to go on the mountain roads in VT before they close for the winter, get some foliage watch done, and get to spend some quality time figuring my car out (second week of owning this car).

Weather on the first day was bad. Rain on the highway made it hard to see. EyeSight stayed on till a Semi splashed buckets of water on the car. That's when I decided to stopped by a parking area to relax a little before continuing.

The parking area has a surprisingly good view despite the bad weather.

First view of VT's foliage. Cows, leaves, and mountains. A photo that encompasses what VT is all about.

First mountain road, Hazen's notch. Not much here except surprisingly smooth dirt road and maple syrup pipelines.

At the second mountain road: Smuggler's notch. Weather still not cooperating and camera was not too happy with the fog either. It was a fun paved mountain road especially since a section is so narrow and winding that only one car can pass.

Moss Glen Fall and a crazy looking flower

Third mountain road: Appalachian Gap
This one is also paved without too much fuss beside steep grade up and down. View from the top of the gap gave me a clue of what is to come going down.

The forth "mountain" road was the Lincoln Gap but it feels like a regular road more than anything else. Spent a night at a B&B before the gap. The river near by has some cool features with some white water kayakers standing around trying to figure out how to tackle this. 

Second day, weather was nicer but still a bit cloudy
Warren fall, a random waterfall I found on side of the road to start off my day.


Moss Glen fall and Minor Moss Glen fall right on the side of the road. Yes, it has the same name as the other Moss Glen Fall. Don't ask me why.

Texas fall, a pretty big waterfall

Another mountain road: Brandon Gap. Quite unassuming road till you see this at the top.

A random covered bridge that I found

This picture was the best foliage picture I took that day, the weather finally cleared up and made the leaves brilliant.

Townsend lake. Another random stop on the side of the road. More of a dam than a lake


GPS kept me on random dirt roads in VT. Not really a problem since their dirt roads are flatter than paved road in most part of New England. It does make my car dirty.

 Another random stop on the way. This place is apparently famous for the view but I had no clue till I stopped and looked out.


Molly Stark State Park. Went there for the fire tower view and good thing I did not regret climbing that thing (I hate heights). It has a working signal tower next to it.

Definitely a fun road trip despite the pouring rain on the first day. Would not mind doing this trip again but will need separate agenda other than visiting all the waterfalls I can find.