Sunday, May 22, 2016

Great Blue Heron

Saw the head of a heron popping up from a nest after I went home and organize my pictures. Thought I'll bring a chair and wait the heron out. Well, I got my wish :)
The heron's nest is a little too far for my camera but still nice.

Bald Eagles

A bald eagle's nest at an undisclosed location. It is really not a safe place to stop. Had a guy honking at me (and startled the car he was tailgating). Locals don't really care about you stopping there. One guy even come by and asked if I got any good pictures.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Fish Elevator

Fish elevator. Two elevators that take fish up the dam to continue their journey upstream. Most of the fish are Shad but there were a couple of Lamprey and one stray Bass that went the wrong way.

Mass Audubon Arcadia Wildlife Sanctuary

Went for the heron rookery and stayed for the flowers. Didn't see any heron till I got home and zoomed into one of the nest. A very blurry heron chick poked its head out when I took the shot.

By the way, my GPS sucks. It took us through a muddy rutted road. The whole time I was on that road I smelled gasoline. I thought my car was leaking till I finally get out to a flat spot and checked. Car was surprisingly clean after that stretch of road. Except for mud in some part of undercarriage, the car was undamaged. The gasoline smell must be from previous driver leaking all over the road.

Savoy Mountain

Savoy Mountain - North pond
Foggy all day so I strap on my headlamp before heading out on kayak. Fishermen were along the shore looking to catch something. Kayak along the shore since the fog is so thick that I can't see the other end. Paddle past this nice tree and what look very similar to beaver lodge. It turned out to be real beaver lodge. Once I paddle some way away, I heard a giant splash. Fishermen's laughter echo through the woods as they thought I had fall off my kayak. Moments later, another giant splash as the beaver make me absolutely sure how pissed off it was. After the kayaking trip, saw a hawk flew pass my car and stopped on a nearby branch. Was able to take some pictures and video before it got sick of me and flew off.