Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar Eclipse

Read this backward, Not sure why upload put all the pictures in reverse order...

Monday, October 31, 2016


Last two stages, we drove in from the middle of the stage to the start. When we showed up, this particular road had already seen 4 stages with two runs each direction. It was pretty rutted out but still OK (for me anyway) when we went in. The other volunteer's Honda Accord that I was in charged of sweeping up bottomed out a couple of times. It rained while we were working the stage. The road turned to mud and 30+ rally cars just proceed to rip it apart.

This was one of the rally car at the starting point. Gave you an idea of how much the rally cars ripped the road apart.

Muddy, water on both side, bad places to slip out

I was forced to stop at a very bad spot. This was a slight incline with soft mud. I can feel my car sinking while the Honda driver picked up spectator tape. Once I was finally able to move, I can feel the car sliding around. The butt slid out a little bit while I tried to gain traction up. This was the most fun I ever had to be honest. I was thinking I was not skilled enough till I heard the WRX driver (who is a rally driver) slip around behind me. This was the only spot VDC had to kick in. Beside the sliding butt, I was not concerned at all during this because I was able to keep it going at the right direction.

More mud and deeper rut. In some places, I could almost let the car drive itself by letting the rut guide the wheels.

This was disappointing. After all that mud, the car was still relatively clean. Most of the mud washed out from 3 hrs of drive home in the rain. Did notice there were quite a bit left on the struts when I washed it today.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Foliage run 2

Chapel ledge

Molly Stark
Damn windy everywhere...snow covered higher elevation (for example the upper level of the fire tower)

Monroe State
Roads got really bad because of the two days of rain and high wind advisory
Thru the leaves covered ...road?

Pass the downed line

Pass a puddle

a second puddle

a downed tree

a tricky tree root

oh and hey another puddle

and this view. Can't say it's worth it since there were downed tree and branches everywhere.

Random roadsides